
A couple of years ago, I was asked by a colleague to create a form to collect invitation responses for a show that our school was organizing. Like most computer users, I had some experience with spreadsheets and had used them from time to time to do some basic calculations, so I created a form with the results in a spreadsheet.

At this point, I simply wanted to count the responses and show the result somehow. As I didn't know how to get a clear view of these results and a simple addition of numbers was not very attractive to look at, I decided to take a quick peek at the documentation to see how to write a "macro" to eventually get things to look better.

Three days later, the spreadsheet had a custom menu. It had functions that showed me the results in colorful tables and sent me an e-mail when too many people had made a reservation for the same day.

I discovered that this "macro" that I was looking for had a lot more features than that; I had a whole bunch of tools and services that I was able to customize exactly to what I needed, without spending a single cent on it.

This was the end of my ''peaceful life without Google Apps Script'' and the beginning of a real adventure. I didn't know a single word of JavaScript or HTML. My only programming experience was using BASIC on an 8-bit microcomputer from the 1980s, so I knew that there would be a few things to learn.

This happened in 2009. At the time, Google Apps Script was just beginning its development. As it has grown a lot since then, it has provided an opportunity for my skills to improve as well. At that time, I found help from a couple of guys on the Google group help forum (now closed and wiped out). Thanks Henrique, scampmichael, and velosprinter—they know who they are.

I know that each of us has a different background and follows a different path but, nevertheless, I decided to present this book following the same progression that I had followed—from basic spreadsheet enhancement and customization to standalone web apps with really powerful features. In between, we shall see that other documents can have embedded scripts and that most of the Google services can communicate with Google Apps Script.

There is probably no way to present every possible combination of scripts and methods that are available exhaustively in a single book. But, I'll try to pick up the most useful and interesting ones based on what I see every day on the well-known help site where I participate a lot: