
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been enjoying a bit of resurgence in the last couple of years. They have shown great success when it comes to image recognition. This is quite relevant these days with the advent of modern smartphones as anyone now has the ability to take large volumes of pictures of objects and post them on social media sites. Just due to this phenomenon, convolutional neural networks are in high demand these days.

There are several features that make a CNN optimally perform. They require the following features:

  • A high volume of training data
  • Visual and spatial data
  • An emphasis on filtering (pooling), activation, and convoluting as opposed to a fully connected layer that is more apparent in a traditional neural network

While CNNs have gained great popularity, there are some limitations in working with them primarily due to their computational needs as well as the volume of training data required to get a well-performing model. We will focus on techniques that can be applied to the data that will ultimately assist with the development of a convolutional neural network while addressing these limitations. In later chapters, we will apply some of these techniques when we develop models for image classification.