About the reviewers

Michal Malohlava, the creator of Sparkling Water, is a geek and developer; as well as being a Java, Linux, programming languages enthusiast who has been developing software for over 10 years. He obtained his Ph.D. from Charles University in Prague in 2012 and post-doctorate from Purdue University. He participates in the development of the H2O platform for advanced big data math and computation, and its incorporation in into Spark engine published as a project called Sparkling Water.


Adnan Masood, PhD., is an AI and ML researcher, software architect, and Microsoft MVP for Data Platform. He currently works at UST Global as Chief Architect of AI and ML, where he collaborates with Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, and MIT AI Lab for building enterprise solutions. A Visiting Scholar at Stanford University and author of Amazon bestseller in programming languages, Functional Programming with F#, His recent talk at Women in Technology Conference, Denver highlighted the importance of diversity in STEM and technology areas and was featured by a variety of news outlets.