How it works...

In this recipe, we have created, in addition to Music and Sound FX, a group named Input, to which we have routed the audio clip that triggers the Duck Volume effect attached to our music track. The Duck Volume effect changes the track's volume whenever it receives an input that is louder than indicated in its Threshold setting. In our case, we have sent the Input track as input, and adjusted the settings so the volume will be reduced as soon as 0.1 seconds after the input had been received, turning back to its original value of 2 seconds after the input has ceased. The amount of volume reduction was determined by our Ratio of 300.00%. Playing around with the setting values will give you a better idea of how each parameter affects the final result. Also, make sure to visualize the graphic as the trigger sound is played. You will be able to see how the Input sound passes the threshold, triggering the effect.

The tracks are organized so that the other sound clips (other than speech) will not affect the volume of the music  but every music clip will be affected by audio clips sent to the input track.