How to do it...

Follow these steps to simulate the sonic landscape of a tunnel:

  1. Create a new Unity 3D project.
  2. Import the provided Unity package, ReverbZone, into your project.
  3. From the Project panel, open reverbScene  it's in the _Scenes folder in the ReverbZones folder. This scene gives you a tunnel, and a controllable character (W A S D keys and Shift to run).
  1. From the Project panel, drag the Signal prefab into the Hierarchy  it's in the _Prefabs folder in the ReverbZones folder. This will add a sound-emitting object to the scene. Place it in the center of the tunnel:
  1. Make five copies of the Signal GameObject and distribute them throughout the tunnel (leaving a copy just outside each entrance):
  1. In the Hierarchy panel, use the Create menu | Audio | Audio Reverb Zone to add a Reverb Zone to the scene. Then place this new GameObjct in the center of the tunnel.
Use menu GameObject | Move To View if there is already a GameObject where you want to position another one. Since our Signal GameObject is in the middle of the tunnel, we can double-click that GameObject, then single-click Reverb Zone and move to view  to move the Reverb Zone object to the same location.
  1. Select the Reverb Zone GameObject. In the Inspector panel, change the Reverb Zone component parameters to these values: Min Distance = 6, Max Distance = 18, and Preset = StoneCorridor:
  1. Play the scene. As you walk through the tunnel, you will hear the audio reverberate when inside the Reverb Zone area.