- 六级高频率必考词汇 : 放口袋
- 方振宇主编
- 3466字
- 2021-04-02 00:05:02
Day 1 低频词
snatch [snætʃ] v. 夺走,抢走

例句 She clutched her purse tightly, fearing that a thief might snatch it.
翻译 snatch some victory for themselves(为自己攫取一些好处)
同义替换 seize v. 抓住;夺取 grab v. 夺取;攫取 clutch v. 抓住;紧握 grasp v. 抓住 rob v. 抢劫;掠夺
sober [ˈsəʊbə(r)] adj. 冷静的,清醒的;未醉的v. 使醒酒,使清醒
例句 Now I can’t talk with you until you sober down.
衍生 sobering adj. 使清醒的;使冷静的
翻译 sober and independent(冷静而独立的)
同义替换 calm adj. 平静的;沉着的 cool adj. 冷静的level-headed adj. 冷静的;清醒的 lucid adj. 明晰的;大脑清楚的 lucidum adj. 清明的;清醒的 conscious adj. 神志清醒的
solitude [ˈsɒlɪtjuːd] n. 单独;隐居;独处
例句 He passed twenty-four years in solitude.
衍生 solitary adj. 孤独的;独居的
翻译 They could live in solitude.(他们可以过隐居生活。)
同义替换 privacy n. 秘密;隐私 loneliness n. 寂寞;孤独 seclusion n. 隔绝;隐居
splash [splæʃ] v. 溅,泼n. 飞溅的水;[make a splash]引起轰动
例句 The boys always splash about in rainwater.
衍生 splashy adj. 泥泞的;容易溅开的
翻译 His book made quite a splash.
同义替换 splatter v. 溅;泼 spatter v. 溅;洒 sprinkle v. 洒;撒
spotlight [ˈspɒtlaɪt] n. 聚光灯;公众注意的中心v. 聚光照明;突出报道(使公众注意)
拆分 spot(点,中心)+ light(灯,灯光) →聚光灯,中心
例句 She stood alone on stage in the spotlight.
翻译 dating under the spotlight(聚光灯下的约会)
同义替换 highlight v. 突出;强调;使显著 headline v. 给(报道文章等)加标题使成为注意中心 emphasize v. 强调;使突出
stagger [ˈstæɡə(r)] v. 摇晃,蹒跚;使吃惊
例句 The drunkard staggered across the road.
衍生 staggered adj. 吃惊的;错愕的
翻译 stagger alongside the cannons(踉跄地在大炮旁边走)
同义替换 sway v. 使摇摆;动摇 totter v. 蹒跚;踉跄 hobble v.跛行;蹒跚
submarine [ˈsʌbməriːn] n. 潜水艇adj. 水下的;海底的

例句 Who invented the first submarine?
衍生 submariner n. 潜艇水兵
翻译 The submarine cut off all its engines.
同义替换 benthoal adj. 海底的 benthonic adj. 海底的 benthal adj.海底的 underwater adj. 水下的
substance [ˈsʌbstəns] n. 物质;实质;主旨
例句 How do you know if a substance contains acids?
衍生 substantial adj.可观的;牢固的;结实的;重大的
翻译 very valuable substance(非常宝贵的物质)
同义替换 matter n. 物质;事件essence n. 本质;实质 gist n. 主旨;要点 purport n. 主旨
superstition [ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn] n. 迷信;迷信的观念(或思想)
例句 It’s a common superstition that black cats are unlucky.
衍生 superstitious adj. 迷信的;有迷信观念的
翻译 ignorance and superstition(无知和迷信)
同义替换 fetish n. 迷信
swamp [swɒmp] n. 沼泽;湿地v. 下沉,淹没
例句 Slowly his car was swamped down the lake.
翻译 a region of almost endless swamp
同义替换 marsh n. 湿地 wetland n. 湿地;沼泽地 submerge v.淹没;浸没 drown v. 淹没;淹死 overwhelm v. 淹没;压倒 flood v. 淹没;溢出 inundate v. 淹没;泛滥
cardinal [ˈkɑːdɪnl] n.红衣主教;基数adj. 最重要的,基本的
拆分 card(心)+ inal →心一样的→首要的,最重要的
例句 The cardinal includes 1, 2, 3, etc.
翻译 This is a matter of cardinal significance(非常重要的事)and she must go back tomorrow.
同义替换 foremost adj. 最重要的fundamental adj. 基本的;重要的,必要的
testimony [ˈtestɪməni] n. 证据;证词
例句 His testimony differs from hers. 他的证词与她的不同。
衍生 testify v. 作证;证明,证实
翻译 the testimony of the witnesses(目击者的证词)
同义替换 evidence n. 证据;证明 proof n. 证明;证据 witness n. 证人;目击者;证据
adjoin [əˈdʒɔɪn] v. 贴近,与……毗连
拆分 ad(表强调)+ join(结合,连接)→连接→毗连
例句 If the enclosing sides adjoin each other, the area should be properly vented.
翻译 New Jersey adjoins New York(新泽西与纽约毗连),so it won’t need you a long time to arrive in New York.
同义替换 connect v. 连接,联系,接通
threshold [ˈθreʃhəʊld] n. 门槛;入门;开始
例句 Mother smiles at you while standing on the threshold.
翻译 To cross the threshold is not difficult.(入门不难。)
同义替换 doorway n. 门口;出入口 entrance n. 入口 entry n. 入口 beginning n. 开始 opening n. 开始;开端 doorsill n. 门槛
toll [təʊl] n. 通行费;伤亡人数,损失;钟声

例句 But the death toll over the past two months appears to reinforce his optimism. 刚过去的这两个月的死亡人数似乎使他越来越乐观。
翻译 Although we started with six hens, they began to take their toll(但后来开始减少).
同义替换 casualty n. 伤亡(人数) loss n. 损失 ring n. 钟声 ding n. 钟声 jow n. 钟声;chime n. 钟声
tribute [ˈtrɪbjuːt] n. 贡品;颂词;礼物;致敬
例句 Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.
翻译 paid a high tribute to your ability(高度赞扬你的能力)
同义替换 compliment n. 恭维;问候;致意;称赞 eulogy n. 颂词panegyric n. 颂词;称颂 gift n. 礼物 present n. 礼物
trigger [ˈtrɪɡə(r)] v. 触发;引发,引起n. 扳机
例句 His stupid remarks triggered off a strike.
翻译 She pulled the trigger.(她扣动了扳机。)
同义替换 spark v. 激发,引起 evoke v. 引起;唤起 arouse v. 引起;唤醒;鼓励
triple [ˈtrɪpl] adj. 三倍的;三方的v. 使增至三倍
例句 In the past five years the company have tripled its sale.
翻译 She wanted a triple room with harbour view.
同义替换 trinal adj. 三重的,三倍的 trifold adj. 三倍的 v. 使增至三倍 treble adj. 三倍的 v. 使成三倍 trinary adj. 三倍的 threefold adj. 三倍的
turbulent [ˈtɜːbjələnt] adj. 骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的
例句 The present international situation remains tense and turbulent. 当前的国际局势依然紧张动荡。
衍生 turbulence n. 骚乱,动荡;狂暴
翻译 But his heart was in a constant, turbulent riot.
同义替换 violent adj. 猛烈的;暴力的 chaotic adj. 混乱的;无秩序的 troubled adj. 动乱的;混乱的 confused adj. 困惑的;混乱的 troublous adj. 动乱的;暴乱的tumultuous adj. 骚乱的;狂暴的;动荡的
ultraviolet [ˌʌltrəˈvaɪələt] adj. 紫外线的;利用紫外线的

例句 Ultraviolet radiation threatens other forms of life as well. 紫外线辐射也威胁着其他形式的生命。
翻译 ultraviolet lamp(紫外线灯)
variation [ˌveəriˈeɪʃn] n. 变异,变种;变化,变更
例句 Analyse and adjust variation between actual production and designed construction.
衍生 variable adj. 易变的,多变的;可变的
翻译 any variation in his routine(他日常事务的任何变化)
同义替换 change n. 变化 shift n. 变化;转变 diversification n.变化
venture [ˈventʃə(r)] v. 冒险;投机n. 冒险;风险
拆分 vent + ure(危险来到)→冒险
例句 Men ventured their lives in war.
翻译 venture out in my boat(冒险坐船出去看看)
同义替换 risk n. 危险;风险 v. 冒险 adventure n. 冒险 hazard n.危险 v. 冒……的风险
verbal [ˈvɜːbl] adj. 口头的;言语的;动词的
例句 Verbal communication is the most fundamental form of human communication.
衍生 verbally adv. 口头地,非书面地;用言辞地
翻译 We should pay attention to verbal taboo.
同义替换 oral adj. 口头的,口述的 spoken adj. 口头的 parol adj. 口头的
vertical [ˈvɜːtɪkl] adj. 垂直的,直立的
例句 Sitting and standing are both vertical positions.

衍生 verticality n. 垂直性;垂直状态
翻译 is almost vertical(几乎是垂直的)
同义替换 upright adj. 垂直的,直立的;笔直的 erect adj. 竖立的;笔直的 standing adj. 直立的 perpendicular adj. 垂直的;直立的
veto [ˈviːtəʊ] v. 否决
例句 The chairman has the right to veto any of the board’s proposals. 董事长有权否决董事会的任何建议。
翻译 has vowed to veto the measure
同义替换 deny v. 否定;否认 refuse v. 拒绝;不准许;抵制 reject v. 拒绝;排斥;抵制 overrule v. 否决;(以权力)否定
vicinity [vəˈsɪnəti] n. 邻近地区,附近
例句 Therefore business needs to keep in touch with residents in the vicinity of the factory in order to get feedback. 因此经营方需要与工厂附近住户保持联系,以便及时获得反馈信息。
翻译 the vicinity of the fountain(喷泉附近)
同义替换 proximity n. 亲近;(时间或空间)接近;邻近
adjacent [əˈdʒeɪsnt] adj.(to) 邻近的,与……毗连的
拆分 ad(表强调)+ jacent(躺)→躺在一起→邻近的
例句 The two families live on adjacent streets.
Our farm land was adjacent to the river.
衍生 adjacency n. 邻接
翻译 The two families live in adjacent village (这两家住在两个相邻的村子里), so they visit each other occasionally.
同义替换 neighboring adj. 邻近的;接壤的 adjoining adj. 毗邻的near adj. 接近的
warrant [ˈwɒrənt] n. 正当理由;根据;委任状;许可证v. 保证;担保
例句 We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. 我们不保证所提供的任何信息的准确性、完整性或有用性。
衍生 warranty n. 担保;保证;授权
翻译 must have a search warrant(必须有搜查令)
同义替换 guarantee v. 保证;担保 promise v. 保证 reason n. 根据 commission n. 委任状 assure v. 向……保证;担保 undertake v. 承担;保证
jeopardize [ˈdʒepədaɪz] v.危及,损害
例句 He said that ending the agreement would jeopardize the future of small or family-run shops, lead to fewer books being published and increase prices of all but a few bestsellers.
衍生 jeopardy n.危险
翻译 Sociologists are greatly concerned whether the foreign cultural acquisition will jeopardize our cultural norms and values(影响文化准则和价值观).
同义替换 imperil v.使陷于危险中;危及
weird [wɪəd] adj. 怪异的;不可思议的
例句 Is it weird to you that you are a 12 year veteran in this league now? 你是否觉得你已经是一个在这个联盟中征战12年的老球员是一件不可思议的事情?
衍生 weirdly adv. 古怪地
翻译 Bizarre thoughts, weird visions(光怪陆离的幻象), and strange voices perplexed and terrified her.
同义替换 strange adj. 陌生的;奇怪的,异常的
wreck [rek] n. 沉船;失事;残骸v. 破坏;使失事;毁坏
例句 My car was completely wrecked in the accident.

衍生 wreckage n.(失事船或飞机等的)残骸
翻译 The car will soon go to wreck and ruin(不久就会毁坏消逝) standing out in all kinds of weather.
同义替换 ruin n. 毁坏;灭亡;废墟 wreckage n. 遗骸 remains n.遗骸 destroy v. 毁坏;破坏 undermine v. 破坏founder v. 破坏 damage v. 损害;毁坏 demolish v. 摧毁;毁坏
