- 英语四、六级词组辨析手册
- 张立丽 余富林 汤朝菊 黄红霞
- 850字
- 2022-08-30 15:25:38
49 bear with; do with; hold with; put up with; stand for; take it
● 本组词组一般均有“忍受”之意,除take it为动词+名词结构外,一般均为动+(副+)介型。
● bear with侧重“宽以待人”,常用动词一般式,少用被动语态。如:You must bear with his bad temper; he has recently been ill.(他最近病了,心情不好,你一定要多包涵些。)I could not bear with his violent temper.(我受不了那种暴烈的脾气。)We must bear with her during this difficult period.(在此困难时期,我们对她一定要忍让。)You must bear your troubles with patience.(你必须拿出耐心来忍受面临的困难。)
● do with与hold with比较更常用,但可互换,其前者常和can’t连用。如:Mother can’t do with the children making so much noise.(孩子们那样吵,母亲实在受不了。)I cant hold with him He’s insupportable.(我不能容忍他,实在让人受不了。)They can’t do with her insolence.(他们忍受不了她那盛气凌人的样子。)We can’t hold with such extravagance and waste.(我们受不了这样铺张浪费。)
● put up with侧重无抱怨地忍受,可用于被动语态。非正式用语。如:Why should we put up with such terrible working conditions?(为什么我们应该忍受这样可怕的工作条件?)I’m afraid we’ll have to put up with the loss.(恐怕我们得承受损失。)I cannot put up with your behaviour any longer. (我再也无法忍受你的行为了。)There is something that is not easily put up with-and his impertinence is one. (有些事是无法忍气吞声的—他的傲慢无礼就是一例。)
● stand for因其含义同put up with,所以常可互换。stand for也系非正式用语。如:The workers in that firm could no longer stand for [put up with] such bad working conditions.(那家公司的工人们也无法忍受如此恶劣的工作条件。)I won’t stand for [put up with] any more of her rudeness, I shall ask her leave my house.(她那样无礼我不能忍受,我要请她离开我家。)I won’t stand for [put up with] hearing any more of their complaints!(我不容许他们再发什么牢骚。)I’ve now stood for [put up with] this treatment as long as I can!(我现在已经尽量忍受这种待遇!)
● take it是美国俚语,意为顽强地忍受之意,常因it代表前句含义而用于两分句的第二分句中。如:Tell me the bad news. Don’t worry, I can take it. (把那坏消息告诉我,别担心,我扛得住。)Everything seemed to go wrong that week and I felt I just couldn’t take it any more.(那一个星期一切似乎都不如意,我感到我实在再也受不了啦。)If failure or disappointment comes your way, be a man and show that you can take it.(如果你遇上失败或感到失望,拿出勇气来,要表现出你能经受得起。)I can’t take it any longer.(我再也受不了了。)