- 英语四、六级词组辨析手册
- 张立丽 余富林 汤朝菊 黄红霞
- 763字
- 2022-08-30 15:25:35
38 avail (oneself) of; cash in on; make use of; trade on; trade upon
● 本组词组意为“利用”。
● avail (oneself) of指利用某机会,常接不定式,也常同should连用,英国人多用avail oneself of,美国人常用avail of。正式用语,多用一般时态。如:More and more people have been able to avail (themselves) of high speed Internet for communication.(越来越多的人能够利用高速的互联网进行交际。)Only a few companies have availed (them selves) of the free training programme.(只有少数几家公司利用了该项免费培训项目。)We must know how to avail (ourselves) of the books and how to get the most from them.(我们必须知道怎样去利用书籍并从中得利最大的收获。)You can avail (yourself) of every opportunity to study Russian.(你可以利用一切机会学习俄语。)
● cash in on中on是介词,词组多用于非正式文体,常指不公平或不正当利用机会获利。如:The opposition was not slow to cash in on the unpopularity of the measures announced by the government.(政府宣布的那些措施不得人心,反对党立即利用了这一机会。)The shop is cashing in on temporary shortages by raising prices.(这家商店将暂缺商品提价以获利。)Certain big oil companies attempted to cash in on the energy crisis.(某些大公司试图从能源危机中大捞一把。)You mustn’t try to cash in on the fact that she likes you.(你切不可利用她喜欢你这一点来占什么便宜。)
● make use of作“利用”意的最常用词组,并可使用各种场合,可用于被动语态,词组中use前可用形容词修饰。如:I hope you’ve made full use of your time.(我希望你充分利用你的时间。)These data are made full use of.(这些数据得到了充分的利用。)Could you tell me how to make use of a photo editing software?(您能否给我讲一讲怎么使用照片编辑软件?)When building space on the ground becomes scarce, use must be made of the space in the air.(平地上的建筑空地越来越少,只好利用空间。)
● trade on也可写成trade upon,多用于口语,“利用”常含负面意味,少用被动语态。如:He traded on [upon] his brother’s kindness to get more money from him.(他利用他弟弟的善良,从他那儿弄到了更多的钱。)They are trading on [upon] their reputation.(他们在利用自己的名声捞取利益。)His easy, generous nature was something upon [on] which she was only too ready to trade.(他本性随和,慷慨,这正是她可随时加以利用的。)One does not like to think that one’s generosity is being traded on [upon].(一个人不愿认为他的慷慨正在被利用。)