9 all at once; all of a sudden; in a flash

● all at once是介绍词组,在句中常作状语,位置灵活,在句首时可不用逗号隔开。如:All at once we heard a loud noise.(突然,我们听见一声巨响。)All at once Christine felt herself turn a little giddy, and fell down. A stranger sent her to a hospital.(突然克丽丝蒂娜觉得自己有点头晕目眩,并跌倒在地。一位陌生人送她到了医院。)While we were talking, all at once Mary screamed.(我们在谈话时,玛丽突然尖叫起来。)The storm broke out all at once.(暴风雨突然来临。)

● all of a sudden的意义与用法同all at once,可换用,只是all of a sudden更突然。词组位置灵活,放句首时可用逗号隔开。如:All of a sudden, I remembered that I had forgotten my purse.(我突然想起我已忘记带我的皮夹子。)All of a sudden a man burst out of the hedge, and made off down the road.(突然有个人从篱笆里闯了出来,从公路上跑掉了。)We heard a tremendous explosion all of a sudden.(我们突然听到一声剧烈的爆炸。)As she gazed, all of a sudden the light went out.(当她仔细看时,突然,灯灭了。)

● in a flash本意“立刻” “马上”,可引用为“突然地”,是介词词组,作状语,位置灵活。如:In a flash the boy got over the fence and started running down the road.(瞬间,那个男孩越过篱笆开始向路上奔去。)He was looking over his notes for English class and in a flash he knew what he would write his paper about.(他翻阅英文课笔记时,突然知道要写些什么了。)I didn’t see her meaning at first, then it all came to me in a flash.(开始我没明白她的意思,后来我却悄然大悟。)We were watching the bird eat the crumbs; then I sneezed and he was gone in a flash.(我们在看小鸟吃面包屑,这时,我打了个喷嚏,那小鸟突然飞走了。)