- The Lone Star Ranger
- Zane Grey
- 1034字
- 2016-03-02 16:35:06
"If they had the nerve?"
"Not thet so much."
"What then? What'd make them fight?"
"A leader!"
"Howdy thar, Jim," boomed a big voice.
A man of great bulk, with a ruddy, merry face, entered the room.
"Hello, Morton," replied Laramie. "I'd introduce you to my guest here, but I don't know his name.""Haw! Haw! Thet's all right. Few men out hyar go by their right names.""Say, Morton," put in Duane, "Laramie gave me a hunch you'd be a good man to tie to. Now, I've a little money and before Ilose it I'd like to invest it in stock."
Morton smiled broadly.
"I'm on the square," Duane said, bluntly. "If you fellows never size up your neighbors any better than you have sized me--well, you won't get any richer."It was enjoyment for Duane to make his remarks to these men pregnant with meaning. Morton showed his pleasure, his interest, but his faith held aloof.
"I've got some money. Will you let me in on some kind of deal?
Will you start me up as a stockman with a little herd all my own?""Wal, stranger, to come out flat-footed, you'd be foolish to buy cattle now. I don't want to take your money an' see you lose out. Better go back across the Pecos where the rustlers ain't so strong. I haven't had more'n twenty-five hundred herd of stock for ten years. The rustlers let me hang on to a breedin' herd. Kind of them, ain't it?""Sort of kind. All I hear is rustlers, Morton," replied Duane, with impatience. "You see, I haven't ever lived long in a rustler-run county. Who heads the gang, anyway?"Morton looked at Duane with a curiously amused smile, then snapped his big jaw as if to shut in impulsive words.
"Look here, Morton. It stands to reason, no matter how strong these rustlers are, how hidden their work, however involved with supposedly honest men--they CAN"T last.""They come with the pioneers, an' they'll last till thar's a single steer left," he declared.
"Well, if you take that view of circumstances I just figure you as one of the rustlers""Morton looked as if he were about to brain Duane with the butt of his whip. His anger flashed by then, evidently as unworthy of him, and, something striking him as funny, he boomed out a laugh.
"It's not so funny," Duane went on. "If you're going to pretend a yellow streak, what else will I think?""Pretend?" he repeated.
"Sure. I know men of nerve. And here they're not any different from those in other places. I say if you show anything like a lack of sand it's all bluff. By nature you've got nerve. There are a lot of men around Fairdale who're afraid of their shadows--afraid to be out after dark--afraid to open their mouths. But you're not one. So I say if you claim these rustlers will last you're pretending lack of nerve just to help the popular idea along. For they CAN"T last. What you need out here is some new blood. Savvy what I mean?""Wal, I reckon I do," he replied, looking as if a storm had blown over him. "Stranger, I'll look you up the next time Icome to town."
Then he went out.
Laramie had eyes like flint striking fire.
He breathed a deep breath and looked around the room before his gaze fixed again on Duane.
"Wal," he replied, speaking low. "You've picked the right men.
Now, who in the hell are you?"
Reaching into the inside pocket of his buckskin vest, Duane turned the lining out. A star-shaped bright silver object flashed as he shoved it, pocket and all, under Jim's hard eyes.
"RANGER!" he whispered, cracking the table with his fist. "You sure rung true to me.""Laramie, do you know who's boss of this secret gang of rustlers hereabouts?" asked Duane, bluntly. It was characteristic of him to come sharp to the point. His voice--something deep, easy, cool about him--seemed to steady Laramie.
"No," replied Laramie.
"Does anybody know?" went on Duane.
"Wal, I reckon there's not one honest native who KNOWS.""But you have your suspicions?"
"We have."
"Give me your idea about this crowd that hangs round the saloons--the regulars.""Jest a bad lot," replied Laramie, with the quick assurance of knowledge. "Most of them have been here years. Others have drifted in. Some of them work, odd times. They rustle a few steers, steal, rob, anythin' for a little money to drink an' gamble. Jest a bad lot!"
"Have you any idea whether Cheseldine and his gang are associated with this gang here?""Lord knows. I've always suspected them the same gang. None of us ever seen Cheseldine--an' thet's strange, when Knell, Poggin, Panhandle Smith, Blossom Kane, and Fletcher, they all ride here often. No, Poggin doesn't come often. But the others do. For thet matter, they're around all over west of the Pecos.""Now I'm puzzled over this," said Duane. "Why do men--apparently honest men--seem to be so close-mouthed here?
Is that. a fact, or only my impression?"
"It's a sure fact," replied Laramie, darkly. "Men have lost cattle an' property in Fairdale--lost them honestly or otherwise, as hasn't been proved. An' in some cases when they talked--hinted a little--they was found dead. Apparently held up an robbed. But dead. Dead men don't talk! Thet's why we're close mouthed."Duane felt a dark, somber sternness. Rustling cattle was not intolerable. Western Texas had gone on prospering, growing in spite of the hordes of rustlers ranging its vast stretches; but a cold, secret, murderous hold on a little struggling community was something too strange, too terrible for men to stand long.
The ranger was about to speak again when the clatter of hoofs interrupted him. Horses halted out in front, and one rider got down. Floyd Lawson entered. He called for tobacco.
If his visit surprised Laramie he did not show any evidence.
But Lawson showed rage as he saw the ranger, and then a dark glint flitted from the eyes that shifted from Duane to Laramie and back again. Duane leaned easily against the counter.